As much as we’d love to delve into our whole philosophy on life right here. We’ll try to stick to those points that have specifically inspired the creation of Our Hippie Home.
Our Hippie Home began with the realisation that not everyone around us was easily making the best, most sustainable choices for their health, the health of the planet, and for their highest calling. As humans living in this profound time of change, we believe that we can all do our part to create a new way of life on this planet. A way that is in alignment with nature and available resources, without losing too much of what we have become accustomed to in our blessed  lives. Using innovation, dedication and resourcefulness.
For years, we’d simply been doing what felt natural and intuitive to us. Recognising imbalances, refraining from the more is more culture, eating and living in harmomy with nature, and limiting unsustainble purchases. By beginning to understand the impact that shifting more people away from the accepted, but not acceptable norm, could make, we sowed our seeds of positive impact to turn Our Hippie Home into a small business venture.
For ten years we’ve been searching for and making switches away from unsustainable and toxic product and lifestyle choices, to cleaner options wherever possible. Options that weren’t always easy to find or implement, but that we knew were for our higher betterment. Because they were better for our beloved planet.
For a while, the products that we had become accustomed to using in some unsustainable form, were extremely hard to come by in a healthier alternative. Not so now! Which means it is so much easier for those that are fortunate enough to have a choice, to direct and benefit the future of all of our lives.
It’s easy from within the bubble of our own lives, to assume that everyone we meet cares as deeply about their impact as you. And, how those seemingly small choices such as choosing a razor, a toothbrush or any other personal or homecare product, can affect the world in the grand scheme of things.
Hopefully you are here because you have begun to make this connection, and if you have not yet, you are on your way. Maybe this one choice will be a tipping point. All of our choices have consequences, and we want the result of our choices to be in the highest alignment with the kind of planet we want to live on. One filled with the beauty of nature, clean air, pristine waterways, kindness, acceptance, freedom, gentleness, a willingness to fail, to accept the errors of our ways with humility, healing, and the fortitude to keep moving forward. For a better, more equal, and balanced life for all.
We understand that we are fortunate to be in a position to make these choices. Because of this, feel that it is not only important to do our part, but it is our duty to try to tip the scales, so that eco-friendly and sustainable products are the only products being produced in the near future.
Our Hippie Home is in it’s birthing phase, but is committed to using best practice, not just for the planet, but for all inhabitants living on this planet. That each deserve freedom, of rights, of mind, of body, and some level of equality to enjoy the high standard of living life should offer as a sovereign right. So we will be learning, changing and adapting alongside you always.
To learn more about specific projects we are passionate about, please see our Sharing the Love page, HERE.